
By 15:36 , ,

We all know them, and we all hate them. The dreaded exams.
I'm currently studying for my last exam, which is on Tuesday, and I will finally graduate. I'm really excited for it and can't wait. School for three years, and I'm just glad it will be over very soon.
Even though I hate my exams, they still give me the opportunity for a specific education, I want to start in the beginning of September.

So far I've had 2 written exams and 4 oral exams this year. The last exam is also an oral, which I dread.
I'm not good with oral exams, because you can't really think too long about, what you want to say, as you can in the written exam, and if it's a language exam, you can't have too many grammatical mistakes. Those are common mistakes from my side, because in an oral exam I get nervous, and I end up messing up with the grammar of what I'm saying. That happened at my last exam, which was English. English is not my native language. I feel I can write English well, but when I speak, I get nervous, starts to mumble and just can't think about grammar, which is important in the exam. I still passed, which I'm happy about.
Now there is only the last exam on Tuesday, which I hope to pass (not my favorite subject).

But when the last exam is over, I have a lot more free time, which I will mostly spend on cleaning up my room (it has gotten quite messy, since I started the exams), so my allergy to dust won't get worse. I also have to work, so I can earn some money for when I'm moving out of my parents out and into my own little apartment. That should be exciting.

Well, I can't keep writing on this short blogpost, when I have an exam in just two days.
Good luck to me!

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